Today I took both boys grocery shopping with me, something I normally avoid at all costs. They did well though, Drew in the front carrier and Ethan in the cart. We were on our way out when I spied one of those overly friendly, talkative Meijer employees who I manage to run into almost every week. I really kind of like her, actually. She makes me laugh. She hadn't seen Drew before and greeted him with coos and praise..."And what is her name?" Ha, ha...Um, actually HIS name is Drew. (He's wearing blue!) I didn't mind though and there was no awkwardness at all because I don't think this woman is capable of feeling awkward.
Really, I take everything she says with an extra helping of salt anyway. She was one who counseled me about a foolproof way to lose my baby weight(!). This method involves simply lying on your back and lifting up your head and only your head for as many repetitions as possible. "That's all you need to do! It worked for me!!" OH, Really!
Then she asked Ethan's name as well. "Oh, Ethan and Drew! You must love watching soaps!" Then she proceeded to tell me which daytime show starred my son's supposed namesakes and what part they currently played in the plot. Um, thanks!
Oh my WORD! Yes, that's you- the queen of the soaps.
That picture is hilarious!
Chuckle! 8~D
I loved the line, "I don't think this woman is capable of feeling awkward." I never quite know what to do with those people...a lot of times they can introduce some very interesting if odd conversations(like yours), but sometimes I kind of want to shake them and say "Don't you understand? You should BE EMBARRASSED right now!!!" because it doesn't seem quite fair that they can go through life so free from awkward moments. And in case people are worried, I can't even think of anyone specific who is like this. But they exist. weird.
And here all this time I thought you just had stellar tastes in boys' names, and it turns out you're really a soap-opera junkie. Wow, am I disillusioned.
-- SJ
here's to hoping they don't live up that legacy...
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