But they knit up really fast and I had no problems with the pattern. I had to really concentrate on the directions but it wasn't bad at all, considering I've never made socks before. Ethan was not as impressed by my accomplishments. When I told him excitedly that this was my FIRST SOCK EVER, he said," NO, that's not true. You have LOTS of socks!"
As you can see I am forced to ridiculous picture taking measures these days. Even outside my flash wants to take over. The socks really are the same size even though they don't look it in this picture. They are warm and fit well. And I just LOVE this vibrant, probably considered tacky by some, color!
OH MY GOSH those are a tacky blue!
Is it cold enough for you? =)
ahh, youth!
they just don't recognize a good thing when they see it.
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