Indeed, it has taken me a while to officially announce the news and by now it's really just old news, four and half month old news to be precise.
Today's ultrasound confirmed what last month's ultrasound hinted at: We have another boy child on the way! We are very happy.
Now, please don't hate me for this. Knowing that this will be our last child because of medical issues(my ever-growing fibroid), I can't seem to let go of the Never Having a Daughter thoughts. On the scale of life's disappointments this one is pretty low and makes me feel ashamed and quite petty. Believe me, I cannot properly express my joy at the prospect of a healthy baby. Boy or girl. I'm very, very thankful. I love my boys and wouldn't trade them for any girl anywhere. Get it?
Still, I have these petty little clouds with tea parties and dresses and ponytails and all manner of such silliness floating around my head. All the things I sort of took for granted. The stories I will tell my daughter, the things I have saved for her. Like I said, silliness.
So, time to emphasize all the wonderful things about having only boys. I know there are some. Come on now, anything, real or imagined. You can spit at me and call me ungrateful, but while you're at it, make sure you mention how whiny and demanding girls can be.
My littlest guy is 18 months :o) And I do have a daughter among the 4 kids....boys are so wonderful though. Girls are great when they are little..then they want nothing to do with you. They don't want to be seen with you. You embarrass them. Boys will always be mama boys and will always love you no matter what. Teenage boys don't reject their moms the way teenage girls do. Tea parties and frills are great but the don't last. So...from a mom of 1 girl and 3 will have a whole brood of loving little monkeys :o)
Liane, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! But why can't they remove the fibroid? Or shrink it? Why is the reality so grim?
Boys are nice. :)
Thanks Stephanie and Loreo...
The fibroid stuff is a bit complicated to go into. Although surgery is a possibility there are some major risks and no guarantees (fibroid is grapefruit sized at this point and growing)so we are planning on a less invasive procedure after this pregnancy. This procedure (uterine artery embolization) cuts off the blood supply to the uterus and means no more kids basically. But really I think three is a good number for us.
Oh, thanks Aaron too...your comment beat my own!
Hurray! Congratulations! Grettie told me a while ago, but I never said congratulations. I'm so happy for you guys! And who knows what God has in mind... Blessings on you! :)
Consider yourself spat upon. Ha,ha..not.
You are welcome to trade Ethan for Lexie for a short time to experience the intricate weavings of a female toddler's psyche. She is quite the little woman at the tender age of 4.
From another slightly wistful 'only boys' mummy. I have to tell you that in none of my pink fantasies does the yearned for girl-child actually speak!!
We are so going to have the last laugh when their teenage years kick in. Well, that's what I keep telling myself anyway.
And I don't know about yours, but my boys are really cuddly.
Adopt a girl down the road? I mentioned that I want to adopt a boy to John and he about kicked me out of the house at any mention of more kids but why not? By the way, you know my girl... anything but tea parties and dresses!
Congratulations. Along with what everybody said,girls are nice and sweet to begin with but they do get very moody when they get older even as young as 11. YOU make such cute boys though.
okay Liane girls are great and for some reason we always want what we can't have. I still want another.boys rock!!!!! They are hard in the younger years but they are soooo much fun to have running around doing and saying crazy stuff. WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!! just wish we could see your family more often. Vaughn says boys are better then girls. Love ya lots Jen
Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you! Boys are precious. You can have tea parties with your granddaughters!
Hey just think of all the weddings you won't have to pay for!! hee hee Congrats!
Wendy S.
Thanks so much everyone for humoring my whiny self...some very good points here!
Congratulations! Three will make a very nice crowd and I'm very happy for you!
Maybe you'll never get over wanting a daughter, but you have three daughters-in-law in store. That's the great way because by then she's all grown up and ready to be friends, instead of seeing you as an obstacle to her life agenda at age 5. Not that I'm speaking from experience.
I think our world today needs good men, and God has chosen yours as one of the special families to boost the good-man population. Maybe one of your men can marry one of my women. :)
-- SJ
Boys are very good; I'm so happy!!! :D
CONGRATULATIONS LIANE!!!!! I'm so happy for you! And I must tell you that in high school I picked out EIGHT boys names (first and middle) and had the worst ever time thinking up girls' names. I just wanted boys (I didn't want to deal with high school girls' emotions...):)
CONGRATULATIONS!! And yeah for your news:) Glad to share in this wonder of life (even through bloggery;)).
How exciting! Congrats!
okay really boys rock they do the craziest things. Today Raliegh was holding his left pointer finger down with his right hand talking to himself.when I asked what he was doing he replied trying not to pick my nose. once agian Wahoo!!!
Boys rock!!!!!
Congratulations!! Your news made my day!
(Pretending I don't sympathize with you at all). ;O)
I can enthusiastically say that boys are never, ever boring! My brothers have majorly broadened my interests, and their curiosity and zest for life is contagious!
Liane, I'm so excited for you! I didn't even know that you were pregnant (I haven't been over here in a while). Yay! We're due in July, and since this is my first baby, I'm in awe of everything that's happening inside of me right now. She's kicking me as I write this. LOL.
I thought I'd help you along by keeping the comments coming. Maybe you'll break a record:)
Ethan and Drew could form their own little soccer team:)
Liane - I'm THRILLED for you!
Yeah for you! Blessings on your growing family. As far as I am concerned, keep spitting out boys. Becca and Eva need some male prospects. Although, they would obviously live here in Maine near me and Tim......
Hooray! I didn't even know anything was on the way, let alone another boy. There's quite a plague of them, isn't there? The NICEST kind of plague, of course.
First bonus...most boys will wear whatever you buy for them, right up until their wife takes over. Girls get picky about their clothes mighty quick, and STAY picky.
You can give boys buzz-cuts whenever you feel like it (gum in the hair...summer...etc.) Generally you don't have that option with girls.
Boys will kill all spiders, mice, and bees in your vicinity. Girls will join you on the chair screaming.
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