Coherent thoughts and the minutes to record them are precious commodities around here. Adam still has his days and nights mixed up and is difficult to rouse during the day. His sleepiness makes feedings pretty tough and because his doctor wants me to feed him every two hours (due to weight loss in hospital),one of every two hours is spent feeding.
My determination to relax and enjoy these newborn days, probably our last, is being severely challenged. It would probably sound too whiny to go into all the details and, anyway, who wants to hear about trouble latching-on and feeding consistently, jaundice heel-pricks, visits to the doctor for weight checks, difficulty sleeping and all the usual frustrations?
Here are the good things: The boys are smitten with this new creature and their eyes light up when they see him. I know it won't last forever but it's very sweet to watch them surround and beg to hold him on their laps.
I was thoroughly spoiled by having my mother out for a little over a week. It's as if a supernatural clean-up fairy descended in our midst. I put down a dirty dish, turn around and it's clean, dry and put away in the cupboard. The laundry was neatly folded and in its proper place almost as soon as it was discarded. Dinners prepared, trash emptied, kids occupied and happy. I don't know how she did it but we sure do miss her.
In spite of the usual lack of sleep, I feel better physically than I have in many months. This pregnancy was not an easy one and I sure am glad it's done.
And, even though I haven't done it much, taking pictures is a good outlet and way for me to connect with the precious, fleeting moments of this mostly rather tedious phase. If I can capture the little toes and fingers, the yawns and soft skin, the gift of this little person, these are the memories that will stay with me the longest.
Thanks for the new blog, I almost posted a comment to ask for a new pic. but resisted the urge to nag. He's so super sweet, I will be right behind Drew and Ethan in line to hold him.
Bless his cotton socks! These days go so fast.
Amazingly enough, I'm pretty sure I dreamed about seeing Adam last night, and I think that Ethan and maybe even Drew were there too, and wanting to either hold him or touch him.
Blessings on you all! And I look forward to meeting him for real someday... :)
He is so cute, I can't wait to see him. I wish Alan and Trevor were that way with each other.
He is so cute, I can't wait to see him. I wish Alan and Trevor were that way with each other.
He's so cute, I can't wait to see him. I wish...
Oh wait. That's already been said.
Anyway - I'm glad you have the desire to savor the moments now. Pictures are great for that, because then you can savor for a good long while to come. I'm doing that with my Britain pics, and have decided that there's no such thing as too many pictures:)
And I'm loving the pictures, personally - he's so precious! And I'm so happy for you guys.
He is such a cutie patootie! :) Love the pic with the sleeping smirk.
This stage IS tedious, but having a new little person isn't. Hope you can enjoy the little moments while getting through the big ones!
My two older ones still think Daph's the greatest thing that's happened to the family. Maybe Ethan and Drew won't get tired of Adam anytime soon.
-- SJ
Totally cute yawn!
And to ditto what SJ said, the three older boys are if anything increasingly enamored with Jamie, which is totally cute also. I love how much they love him...18 months and counting : )
Okay, I may be exaggerating somewhat, because for the first few days there was an intensity that isn't there now, but still, they love him immensely, and have more fun playing with him now, and trying to get him to say their names and such fun...
Ah yes- that thirdborn thing- exuding a hypnotic charm over the older siblings...I know what THAT'S like! Just wait til they talk to him while he's asleep to see if he'll sleep-talk back! :}
Nice looking baby, sweater, and pillowcase!! Wish I could hold him!
wow what a handsome lad. thinking of you and yours often. we sure do miss you.
Post fam
he's really really beautiful. congratulations!!!!
what a blessing he is.
Can't wait to meet him and bite him! He is beautiful! I mean handsome and I won't bite him too hard.
Congratulations on the little cutie!
That picture is so precious, Liane! The weeks are flying by and I'm also trying to hold on to these precious days, because they're gone so fast! I keep wanting to tell Maisy to slow down and stop growing so fast because I can't barely remember what she was like two months ago!
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