
Ethan's debut

A week or so ago, I found out from paperwork sent home from school that Ethan had the part of Joseph in his school play. When I asked him about it he was very nonchalant. I speculated about what kind of costume he might get to wear and asked him if he knew what it would look like. His answer,"Oh, probably something brown like everyone wears in the Bible."

He was right.


kw said...

i had a good cackle over that. Ethan should illustrate the Bible in color for little eyes. Watch out Kenneth Taylor.

kw said...

And thanks...because I can use a good cackle...and if I cackle it must be good...

Claire said...

That is priceless...Yeah- Why is that? Why don't people in the Bible ever wear chartreuse or fuschia?

Lori said...

Love it! Love KW's cackle, too! :D

kw said...

keep an eye out for pics of arthur the shepherd on my blog...will do it soon!