Nope. Never again. Not gonna do it. I'll spare you all the details because, really, who wants to hear it? Suffice it to say, I do solemnly swear and/or affirm never to attempt to move all my earthly possessions with three needy kids underfoot without accepting any and all offers of help.
Thankfully, we took up Mark on his offer and employed him for several hours at the end of his work day. He came prepared to help us with the "big, heavy stuff" but I'm sure his internal jaw (internal jaw?) was hanging open in disbelief at the never-ending supply of boxes, big and small. Good thing he is pretty unflappable.
The day that Mark was available, we rented a large UHaul and Keith spent thirteen hours loading and unloading, and got up again at four in the morning to make one more load before we had to return it. It was a small miracle that his back did not collapse. Even so, we both hit a wall of such physical exhaustion the next day that we could not continue.
Hey, I said no details. Sorry.
In spite of many other bumps in the road, to be left unnamed, we are here. It may take a few weeks to unpack at the rate we are crawling but it's all ok. It's all good. It feels as if we have slithered out of a dark, dank bat cave and stepped into a pool of radiant sunshine. Just looking out the windows of our new home is a lift to our moods. It is such a stark contrast to the urban grime and clutter we were used to. Already we have been welcomed by at least three different families in our new neighborhood. I'm not sure anyone at our old house even noticed we lived there for three years. It's good to be home.
Praise the Lord! I'm glad you're still alive at least, and that you feel At Home! Blessings on you as you now unpack....
13 hours! Eek! Keith doesn't work for the ah, er ah..Baskin Robbins company for nothin! Endurrranceee, grit, superhuman powers etc..At least I like to think that's what the guys who work for the ah, er, Baskin Robbins are made of.
I am so very, very happy for you!
We need some pictures! Of course, not until you have tons of time to relax and sit in front of the computer...
May the Lord bless you in your new HOME!
p.s. can't wait to see the pics!
Hurray for the exodus from the bat cave! :) And yay for nice neighbors- I know that has made a huge difference for us - having good peeps next least on one side of us.
I smiled when you said, "...Not gonna do it." No... it "wouldn't be prudent", would it?
And the whole, "Hey, I said no details. Sorry" thing made me smile too- it's like you are your own imaginary sidekick.
Internal jaws? Yes- I've got one.
Excited for you guys! Glad the closing and moving and all went (fairly) smoothly. And if you or Keith need any back pain advice, I'm somewhat of an expert. ;)
More pictures eventually...when there's more than just boxes to be seen!
You did it! May your new abode prove to be worth every sore muscle and frazzled nerve for many years to come. At least 30 anyway. =) So happy for you!
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