Growing up I always had access to a piano, for awhile, even two. One in the house, one just a few steps away in the church. On a side note, there was also the great and terrible organ which my sisters and I would occasionally attempt to play ourselves. One of us would sit on the bench and play the keyboard while the other lay under the bench and carefully worked the foot pedals, hoping to avoid loud blasts of sudden sound. We were always in awe of our church organist and her ability to manage all the various keys and pedals herself.
Back to the point. Piano. I began lessons fairly young and for many years continued in that love/hate relationship that all lukewarm players have with their instruments. Practice, recitals, playing in church- all of these were hateful in my book. I remember my father driving me home from a recital one night, saying that even though it might not seem like it, someday I would be glad I had this skill. It would be like riding a bike. I would always be able to sit down and play no matter how much time passed.
I haven't had a piano around much since I was married unless you count Grandma S's badly out-of-tune old clunker with its several dead keys. Since moving to Michigan I've barely even touched one. I began to miss having a piano. At times I would see one on Craigslist, but Keith would remind me that a piano could not possibly fit in our house. Unless we wanted to sleep, bathe and eat on it, there just was not room enough.
Now that we are living in an actual, real-live house with space I began to search again and last week found a free piano. I went to check it out. It was huge and heavy and maybe not the prettiest piano ever made but it sounded good to my ear. Yesterday two men delivered the 600 pounder with much huffing, puffing and groaning.
I LOVE it! It makes me happy every time I see it. I dug out some old sheet music, sat down and played. And cried. I'm not sure why, really. My father was right. I'm glad to have a piano again.
Dare I hope to have some grandchildren musicians? Glad you have it, Liane. Gram C
So when are you going to start teaching the boys to play? And who would of thunk it a parent was right. Any way glad your in your new home and enjoying it. Love ya Jen
Congrats on the new addition to the family!! As an avid amateur pianist myself, I understand the desire to have one around even though it might not get played every day, or even every week. Have fun with it! :)
(I found your blog through Claire.)
Piano playing is good for the soul..i can understand why you cried!
Hurray! I'm so happy for you Liane! Playing the piano is such a good way to get a breather and recharge you emotional batteries :) And I love the picture you put up...
This makes me so happy for you!! And I can certainly understand the crying... sometimes I think that my piano keys have been touched by as many tears as fingers.
I'm so happy for you! I almost started crying as I finished reading this. I wish I could join you for a crazy duet on the pianer.
Can you take us for a virtual tour of your house soon?
Yayyyy! I rejoice with you, too! This is the first place I've ever lived without a piano, and I really notice it. Fortunately there's a nice one at school:) Go Craigslist!
And there is nothing like a real accoustic pie-yan-na! I am so glad you can enjoy it fully!
~this from a die-hard lifetime fellow pianist!
p.s. "Suki" formerly known to the blogger world as "Zan"...
I'm so glad you connected with your old friend. I cried with you. Music ministers to the soul in a great way. Love you, Liane. Kathy Fulton
So happy for you. There's this piano-shaped hole in every soul... Glad to hear yours has been filled. I can't wait to have my own place and pick out my own piano. It's something I look forward to!
And I'm glad my list was so useful to you. :-)
I miss having a piano SO much! I played for many, many years.
I hope you're loving the new house, Liane!
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