And woe to him (or her, really) who mistakes this madness for a pile of junk. Any attempt to tidy up the eyesore is met with a warning scream, "That's my FORT!" I don't have the heart to stamp out this activity because it is probably a great creative outlet and can keep Adam and Drew occupied for some time. But, the clean-up!
As the forts migrate and the building materials add to the general litter of the household, I must decide if each little piece of something is worth bending over to retrieve. I could get stuck down there. Which brings to mind this post, without the neck pain.
Enter dear husband with the perfect gift: a long-handled-reacher of my very own! I haven't been this excited about a daily living aid since my stint working in rehab. These should be standard issue at every baby shower.
Totally unrelated note: I found a new granola recipe which I've tried a few times now and really like. The great thing about it is there is no oil required. Seemed strange to me but it's as tasty as ever. I add some form of dried fruit, usually raisins, when available.
Inspired by a memory of a baby blanket I'd seen some time ago, I attempted my own version with some fabric favorites I've had hanging around (thanks, Joanne's). Nothing fancy, just two pieces of fabric sewn together.
AAAhhhh HA HA HA! I LOVE BOYS AND THEIR FORTS! This was so very funny! Mine piled up every single toy from one level of the house ( a Batman castle, enormous race track, BIG stuff) and said that the pile of junk was a truck. And I wasn't allowed to touch it. Best part was, the "Truck" was literally on the kitchen floor leaning against the kitchen table. Gross!) Anyway, I just love this creativity! I love their minds and imaginations! I built blanket forts with my sister a million times, and have such fond memories of that. Just a hilarious, well-written post!!! Thank you!
Aw! I was a huge fort-builder when I was a kid! Though my forts were always very orderly affairs, which consisted of arranging pens in rainbow order and piling the pillows "just so."
Is that granola recipe crunchy? I, too, like the fact that it doesn't use oil, but I also tend to like super dry and crunchy granola. (P.S. If you ever want a little luxury, try the Olive Oil Granola from the New York Times. It's to die for. I'll send you a link if you can't find it)
Emma- yes, it is a little crunchier than other kinds which I like as well. I'm going to look up the olive oil granola now...thanks!
Great post, worth the wait, thanks. Love that a grabber should be standard issue at every baby shower, I almost spit my coffee out my nose when I read that, SO TRUE!!! I used to use Breckins toy grabber to pick stuff up when preggers with Kate :) And that blanket is so cute but so not simple, how do you get the edges so perfect? I need to just accept that I did not get my Grandmas sewing gene.
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