

For a couple years Ethan has been complaining, usually at the end of a soccer season, that the bottom of his heels hurt. At first we thought it might be a mild injury, and later maybe just his shoes. It subsided for a while and then returned.

Since his soccer time has increased this past year, the pain came back and didn't leave. We tried new shoes, new inserts and enforcing rest periods. It would seem to get better, I would forget about it and then glance out at the soccer field and see him limping like an old man.

Finally, a week or two ago, after a visit to a specialist, he was diagnosed with Sever's Disease. Not a huge deal and not terribly uncommon in young athletes.

Now it's just a matter of icing, stretching, good support shoes and possibly limiting some of the time he's on his feet. The first three we can do. Limiting soccer? Not so sure.


Darren said...

That's annoying. Good to get a diagnosis, though.

Anonymous said...

aw man, really?! What is the world coming to? Poor Ethan..maybe this will make him into a better athlete somehow...

Anonymous said...

that were me, KK

Anonymous said...

does he go barefoot in the house?

ljm said...

Yes, he does, most of the time.

KMS said...

Um, I was going to ask if you are sure he's not a Post. Weren't they the kings of sports injuries?! I guess he is related. Maybe it's bad Murray genes. (Just kidding!) I hope the feet feel better soon.