

I did it again. This morning I discovered my spare Jeep key in my backpack, as I readied it for England. It was in one of those magnetic cases and Keith and I discussed where we should put it (near the house with the house key in it too, or under the car as most sane people do). Leaving the key on the counter, I departed for the Post Office and beyond with several errands to run.

Wouldn't ya know it...Coming out of the Post Office, I began digging around in my pocket for my keys and had a little stab of panic, so I looked in my purse and then had a bigger one. Then I tried the door and looked in the window...and there they happily dangled. SO exasperating and really not even amusing.

Here are the good things which an optimistic version of myself might come up with. The Post Office is only about a mile from home, I needed the exercise and Ethan wasn't with me. And the sun was shining.


Anonymous said...

Yes, key crises are not funny. I got embarrassed the other day while grocery shopping b/c I couldn't find my keys and the bagger was looking on waiting to put my bags in the car. I became more and more frenetic as I scratched around in my purse, till I remembered my pocket and there they were. PHEW! Nothing worse than losing your keys in front of a stranger, unless it's locking your kids in the car ( something I live in fear of! ). Come to think of it, your "locked out of the house" scenario was even worse. Yikes! How frail we are to be ground to a halt by a set of keys.

Claire said...

Oh my word. I just posted a comment on your last entry (on the subj of ebay) about how I wanted to see NEW postings on your blog and then I published the comment, and clicked the reload button and...lo, here pops up a new ready-made, fresh from the oven blog-entry...and with a comment already! How is this possible? There was no new posting that I could see...just a few moments ago...and yet, this entry seems to have been published at least a few hours ago...Brad and I just had this big discussion on whether there will be time in heaven...Well, I think mayhap I am already losing my connection with time. I guess it's not so hard to comprehend a world without time.

Anonymous said...

Another good thing: making Lisa Adams feel better about her ridiculous key adventure. (see comment on Andrea's blog, "To Be Read With Kindness" if you are still feeling depressed)