
One year (or so) ago...

Spring with all it's green has lately made me a little homesick for a place I've only visited. Last April, Ethan and I were fortunate enough to visit Charlie, Karena, Lexie and Arthur in England. I don't know when we'll ever get back there but I've had many traveling twinges the past few weeks. Of course, my memory is neatly glossing over the hard parts of traveling with a toddler: the vomit, the exhaustion, the kids fighting...Still 'twas all worthwhile and I'd do again if humanly possible.

There's a certain kind of beauty there, partly just the differences I think I've mentioned before but it seems that everything is somehow appealing to the eye from post boxes to rolling green hills.

I love the neighborhood where they live, the way you can walk everywhere and the way the community is so well suited to mothers and kids. And the way people are so laid back about things, especially their own appearance-can't forget that!

I'm wishing that Ethan and Drew could see their cousins and play together, hopefully a little better now that they are older. (Well, Ethan could play. Drew could squawk.)

I'd love to wake up to the smell of Charlie's fresh coffee brewing in their sunlit kitchen, take a walk through Cambridge with Karena, snapping pictures of all the many sights. And after Charlie has read the kids a bedtime story and they're all tucked in, we can all sit around in the living room talking, taking turns on the laptops, bugging Charlie to play his guitar... In the properly sappy words of the Muppets song:
"You can just visit but I plan to stay...I'm going to go back there someday."


Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ol' 'Lanche likes them Muppet dudes.

Anonymous said...

Awww. It makes my eyes moist to read this:) We miss u too! Springtime is heavenly here indeed....

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...What an idyllic picture you conjured up. Isn't there some quote by Wordsworth along those lines? "Oh to be in England, now that Spring is here..." Or is it "now that Summer's here"?