Here we go...see if you can find yourself here somewhere:
Make your own shoes?
March 30th, 2006 by craftapalooza
"Hmm. Like the idea. Definitely comes under extreme crafting. Make your own sandals from tires. Or buy these from adbusters."
Posted in Whipup
2. A Tooth

"Word on the street is Julia lost her first tooth last night at a birthday sleepover for her best good friend Ella."
Posted on Janelle's blog
3. An Odd Name
"Consider yourselves informed that I am changing my name.
No, this is not an announcement of that kind. It's my first name that's changing, not my last name.
I'd thank you all if from now until November 12th, you refer to me as Yente!"
Lindsay's blog
4. A Car (fancier the better)
Well, it might not look real fancy but it is a Rolls Royce!

From my blog.
5. A Frightful Dilemma
"...I ran out the kitchen door, and stopped for a moment in utter shock. The front gate was open and I could see the water from the street rushing into our garden. ALL of it. The children's sand box was floating away. The potted plants were underwater. I looked down at the doorsill. There were only about five centimeters clearance before the water began flooding the kitchen. I ran and checked the dining room: a few more centimeters. The living room: about 30 centimeters still before the water began pouring in the windows..."
From Luckybeans.
6. A Discussion of Childbirth
I cut out lots of the original to reduce the size a little.
"...The decision was made to deliver right after midnight on Friday via c-section.
Tyler and Henry came into the world weighing 4pds 8oz and 5pds 6oz, exactly as predicted on the ultrasound. Because the spinal had failed, I was under general anesthetic and George sat in the waiting room, dressed in scrubs, until they handed him one of his sons.
.... The babies were there together, right next to each other, hooked up to IV's, but breathing normally. I held first one and then the other we both exclaimed over the blueness of their eyes, the delicacy of their fingertips.
It was the next day that I noticed something wrong. When lying down, I could not flex my left foot to bring it even with the right. I could not lift my left foot, although I tried. .... In walking, I lurched largely helpless against the person supporting me. I could not stand upright without a great deal of support. The neurologist came in early this morning and explained that I had something called "drop foot."
.... I have been loaned a walker and wheelchair. They are both completely necessary.
I have sons, but I cannot stand up next to their isolete.
I have sons, but I cannot reach out to them when they're screaming.
I have sons, but I cannot hold them and still walk across the room...."
From Within the Woods.
7. A Theological Discussion/Debate
For this one, I automatically made my way over to Isaac's shortage of discussion there. But, after looking up the definition of every other word and trying to make sense of it all, my head was spinning around wildly and blood was coming from my eyes so...I moved on.
"What Do You Think?
Can you ever express faith by laughing?
The thought occurred to me when I read the story of Sarah in the Bible recently. Perhaps (just perhaps) the reason she laughed was because she suspended her natural doubt and discouragment for a brief moment, just long enough to imagine her ninety-year-old self with a baby...and that thought was so ludicrous and wonderful that she just had to laugh!
What do you think?"
Looks Like Rain
8. A Funny Line, Joke, or Short Post
"Lately, Addie has been forming sweeping generalizations based on current circumstances. It gives her a very tidy, if a trifle random, worldview. For example:
S: 'Honey, if you get sick at night, you can call Mama or Daddy. We'll come help you.'
A: 'Yes. And if Daddy isn't home, then female grown-ups help their daughters.'"
From Keeping Up (scroll down)
9. A Train (the engine and cars kind)
"This afternoon we had a nice little outing-about a 20-25 min walk up the road to see and ride on the miniature trains. They run in the summer twice a month on Sunday afternoons! It's run by the Cambridge model engineering society We had lots of fun...and here are some pics of our time:)"
From Yankee Gal
10. A Hairbrush
Curse you, hairbrush! This one was impossible but Andrea came to my rescue!
"PS. I couldn't possibly end this most exciting evening without giving a shout out to my dear cousin Liane, whom I love more than a diamond-studded hairbrush. Even more than a diamond-studded, gold-plaited hairbrush. With diamonds. And other things that are valuable."
Posted on Drewey Fern.
11. An appeal for money
"If you would like to make a donation in the meantime, there is a donation link set up the kim family website. you can also sign their online guest book if you'd like to express more well-wishes to kati and to james' parents and family."
From Bird in the Hand.
12. A Hobby
"Crochet pliably lends itself to freestyle form-making… so there are many artists who use crochet for making three-dimensional forms. This artist, louise weaver crochets soft coverings to fit over taxidermist models. She also combines found objects into the work. Here is a raccoon with a plastic-duster tail..."
From Whipup
13. Green

"Today was my day off so Claire and I went to PJ's and had fried green tomatoes. At left is Claire's "boyfriend." At least that's what she called him when she was little. We brought him along because he was green."
From Brad and Claire's blog
Holy Smokes, its a small world after all.
I was just hitting the "next blog" button, and who's do I come across?
Be afraid! I know I was :-)
Wow!! That is pretty weird.
Liane, I am astonished and impressed with your perseverance! This was a fun and fascinating post : )
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