Keith's cousin, Renee, has a great photoblog and I'm pretty sure that's where I first saw Holga shots. They do have a certain charm.
I've become so dependent on digital cameras and the instant feedback of the LCD screen, it was a little scary to have to wait for the results. I like the way it forces me to put more thought into the process.
Holgas seem to be made for tampering. Some modifications are necessary to fix defects, others just fun to do if you know how. My first job is to fix the latch mechanism which slides right off when you attach the camera strap. Good thing I have help from the series of tubes known as the internet.
My first roll is pretty blah actually. But you get the idea:
Yay for Holgas! They're a lot of fun and can have some lovely results. :)
ps masking tape is your friend.
I like! Gnarly!
P.S. I still can't believe that thing about the tubes. I'm glad you linked to the thing on Wikipedia...with even more priceless airheaded verbiage.
"They make the internet on computers now?!" - H.S.
By following your links, I just learned that there's a lot about cameras and photography that I don't know. Of course, that's probably obvious from the pictures I take.
-- SJ
I love your, wallpaper pic? I don't know what to call it, but it's extremely
charming. :O)
but why?
DJ--I guess you could ask that of almost any hobby....Anime: but why?
I know my shots aren't all that inspiring but if you look at some of the online Holga galleries there are some pretty neat pictures. It's just a different look but certainly not for everyone.
it looks awesome!! i cant wait to see more:)
a mystery it shall remain I guess :-)
Oooh. A Holga, you lucky girl. I'm jealous.
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