Adam had his first friend over yesterday for a little visit. He slept through most of it but the rest of us had fun admiring his visitor, the littlest Jackson. Little David is not so little, really, although to be fair he is six months older than Adam.
Thanks Janelle and Amy for taking the time in your busy schedules to drive down and visit. Not to mention the meals and gifts you brought with you.
On a totally unrelated note, Drew had his first real haircut a few days ago and came home a transformed child. Keith took him to the nearby barber and brought Ethan along for moral support. I was worried it would not go well. He did fine though and his haircut still makes me smile. I'm not sure which is funnier, his new look or the certificate of achievement that came with it.
Glad I spied this before I posted the pic on my blog. What a fiasco that would have been.
Drew's haircut is SO cute! Hopefully we can get all of our families together before another year passes.
I don't think I was ready for that haircut picture. I am in the "don't grow up so fast" mode and it almost made me cry to see him looking like his big brother. You guys sure make cute kids.
Does Adam miss me yet? Is he crying out for me? I thought so.
I have to agree with the previous two do make wicked cute kids!
Thanks for having us over.
We should get all of our families together soon. It's been a LONG time. Possibly for Columbus Day on the 8th or National Boss Day on the 16th or even United Nations Day on the many important holidays to celebrate, so little time!
Hmmm...Alaska Day is the 18th if I'm not mistaken...a worthy cause for celebration.
just looked at all your pics your boys are all so handsome and have a sweetness about them.I'm sure the sweetness comes from you ! smile
Hey Girl!
I read your blog all the time and love being caught up on your life and kids even though we never see each other anymore! Hey, could I get Amy's email from you? Every time she posts on this I just miss her and wish I could write her! If you get this can you email it to me? Thanks!
Christy in CA
Oh Meiko!! I miss you too! Please do email me, I would love to hear from you!
(Sorry Liane for using your blog to hook up with Christy in CA).
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