Sometimes I fear, as the middle child, Drew is getting shortchanged. He'll never have our full attention as Ethan did for over three years and now with a baby in the house, must fend for himself more than ever. I know that in the long run, he's lucky to have siblings and it's important for him to learn to share.
His behavior lately has been atrocious. Could be the age, could be the new baby, could be his own stubborn personality developing. Probably all those things. He is easily frustrated, loudly insistent and yet unintelligible for the most part, and did I say STUBBORN?
I do try to make time for him and give him hugs and kisses as much as possible but it is hard to give much time when there's a baby to hold and feed. It also doesn't help that he consistently resists physical affection.
So, today with Ethan in school and the baby home with Keith, I decided to take Drew with me on a quick errand to Borders. I was able to devote all attention to him and we had a cookie and coffee together. He was delighted...until we had to leave. I even got a chance to showcase his new hat (a modified meathead from Larissa Brown's pattern), my first knitting project in a long time.
Awww! He is so dang cute! I think all of my kids have gone through the same phase at one point or another. Kyrin did act that way until she was about 13. So...I don't know....maybe it's a blessing that he's getting it out of his system now!!!
He's really enjoying that cookie (and the one to one time I'm sure). It's so hard juggling kids differing needs, but a little 1 on 1 time goes a long way I find.
As a fellow sufferer of "middle child syndrome" I say spoil him rotten.
I LOVE how he's cramming that cookie down his throat for all he's worth. I think I want to eat HIM.
ps Hope you're catching some sleep every now and again. :)
Love the meathead pic! By the way, I've never REALLY understood why Larissa called them meathead hats. I mean...I've read her explanation...installation piece, cow tags, yadda yadda. Still? Not getting it. Dang cute little munchkin hat, though.
That cookie looks mighty tasty...
Trev is going through the same thing but he isn't the middle child, I think it is the age, yes, the age. After they get through this age phase they will be the best children ever, not getting into any trouble.
Never forget your the best mom for your children. It's great you found some one on one time with Drew. One more thing I Love stubborn children. I have four. The challenge is to channel it for good. Hugs to all the boys and you.
Your boys are adorable. I can't wait to see them again (and meet Adam). I wouldn't worry too much about Drew, middle children turn out alright.
I read a fascinating line somewhere, written by a middle child: "flying under the radar." It was her positive take on not getting all the associated angst and attention of the firstborn. Just tuck that away for encouragement as needed : )
Dern it, he's cute!
And he'll survive, by hook 'r by crook. My brother did. Jeff did. He'll be a better man because of it.
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