A week or so ago, Ethan sat down to do a mysterious project at the kitchen table. He labored quietly for quite a while, stopping once to ask me, "How do you spell iguana?". When he was done he proudly showed me his work. It requires a little extra scrutiny but even so I was impressed. (Click to enlarge: ant, bat, cat, dog, Ethan, fat, God, had, iguana, Keith, Liane, mop, not, open, pig, quack, rat, sun, top, up, van, wet, x-box, you, zoo) All his own ideas and spelling except for iguana.
Working on D'Nealian
A week or so ago, Ethan sat down to do a mysterious project at the kitchen table. He labored quietly for quite a while, stopping once to ask me, "How do you spell iguana?". When he was done he proudly showed me his work. It requires a little extra scrutiny but even so I was impressed. (Click to enlarge: ant, bat, cat, dog, Ethan, fat, God, had, iguana, Keith, Liane, mop, not, open, pig, quack, rat, sun, top, up, van, wet, x-box, you, zoo) All his own ideas and spelling except for iguana.
impressive. Go OSLS!
WOW! I am amazed. I'm thinking there has to be some hidden messages in that stream of consciousness.
You have GOT to save that. ForEVER. IGUANA?! Where did THAT come from?
How do you spell...decepcion?
I knowed he were a smart one!
x-box! You are a man's man Ethan!!!
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