I used an old pair of favorite corduroys I found in a box (size 8!! Was I ever a size 8??) and the pattern from this great tutorial.
I'm so happy with the way it came out, I can hardly believe I made this. Even Keith was impressed which is no small feat.
Wow! That hat and its wearer are the essence of cuteness!
MAN! All the rage at the moment too. PLEEZE can you make me a hat?
That is SO CUTE!!!
Wicked adorable! Although I can't help but be reminded of Russia by the red star pin. :)
Awesome hat, you clever thing! I'm still futilely holding on to a size stinkin SEVEN pair of khaki cargos from a century ago. I guess I should face reality and turn them into a hat! By the way, loved the singing on bunk bed video. I'm ready to rush out and buy a cassete player and tapes and spy cam for William!! :D
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