I saw a post the other day about making rice pillows. I love these things and have wanted to make one forever. With the simple steps spelled out for me I was freshly inspired. The fabric in the tutorial reminded me of some vintage stuff I bought dirt cheap at a rummage sale last fall. If you can measure, cut and sew in a straight line, you can make one of these.
I put a few drops of lavender essence in mine and used both rice and pearl barley to fill it. Pop it in the microwave for a couple minutes, apply to head or neck and all the stress from real estate struggles, inspection sagas, husband's crazy work schedule, children's screaming that never ends, waking every three or four hours at night, living out of boxes, it all fades away...for a couple minutes anyway.
Ah, the beauty of the passive aggressive post.
I loved that Blair posted that tutorial. I have made plenty of rice bags in the past (I also use pearl barley instead...it is rounder to me and feels better..i think) I love them so much. A friend mentioned that she uses hers at bedtime. She pops it into the microwave for a few minutes and then puts it under her sheets where her feet go while she brushes her teeth. How brilliant is that? Nice warm toasty toes for bed!!!
Wow! If one that size makes stress fade away for a few minutes, then can someone make me that stretches to the moon and back? Thanks..I should be set for life then.
Ever hear of the corn bag? Whole feed corn, sewn into a fleece bag, any size that you like....heated in the microwave for 3 minutes....heat that lasts almost ALL NIGHT!!! (and smells yummy! I also added rose hips for moisture and scent.)
I bought a 5.00 fleece blanket at Wal*Mart, cut it into 6 or so bags, filled it with feed corn and gave them away for Christmas. Everyone LOVES them and wants me to make them more! (apparently their families have fought over who gets the bag!)
Hey, I remember when you got that material! Glad you put it to good use.
-- SJ
You're welcome! You can get feed corn at any garden, feed,(blue seal) and sometimes hardware stores that sell animal food. Just make sure you are buying WHOLE feed corn, not cracked corn.
Anyone ever try a gallon of ice cream? oh.. and a really big spoon! (no sewing required)
Best idea YET, Tara M.F!
How about a chocolate-raspberry coffee bean filled bag...kind of a no calorie compromise between rice bag and ice cream?
Thanks liane for blowing my cover!
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