Taken by cell last night in the ER, right before my battery died. The kids and I spent the night and Drew is still there. Thankfully, Keith was able to cut short his trip and travel home today so he is with him now. Thereby hangs a tale.
If I lived closer to you, I'd come over and offer to help wipe snotty faces or at least make you some chicken soup! As it is, I'll be thinking about you and your wee ones.
we are Praying that he feels better.
OOOHH, Liane! And all by yourself, too, until Keith is home! So sorry!
And don't kids always look especially frail and heartrending in a hospital bed?
-- SJ
Poor Drew, feel better little guy. We are all thinking of you and wishing you well.
Heidi--I wondered if I might bump into you there...
Oh man, OH MAN!
So, SO sorry!
If I lived closer to you, I'd come over and offer to help wipe snotty faces or at least make you some chicken soup! As it is, I'll be thinking about you and your wee ones.
Hope everyone feels ship shape soon!
That is not a happy looking adventure. What's the deal? How is the little guy?
Oh man L, sorry you had to go through all that...hope everyone is on the upswing and you can get a little rest this weekend. Happy 4th!
We, here in NH, are praying for your family, Liane. Hope to hear better news very soon.
Sue F
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