is the ceasing of your own brand of magic,...
the quips, the witticisms, the slant
adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest the lip of the stage..."
--John Updike, "Perfection Wasted"
Yesterday as Ethan worked on a puzzle, he sat on the floor, one leg tucked under him and the other leg bent up, his chin resting on the raised knee. As I watched him, I suddenly remembered that this was just how Andrew used to sit for long periods of time as a young boy, reading books. We often marvelled at how he could stand to stay in this position for so long. A small thing, to be sure, but anything that evokes such a memory is a gift.
I wish that Andrew would not be defined only by his absence. Today, on his birthday, I like to remember the many ways he made us laugh. I just had to pull out the 'ol gingerbread clip for any who dare take the time to download it. (all 13 MB!)

happy birthday andrew! its great that you have video that you can look back on, i wished that i had video of anita, but at least i have pictures and my memories.
Happy Birthday, Andrew!
You are not forgotten!
The clip is worth every second of the download!
He is so awesome! Thanks for the movie to bring back his hilarious sense of humor. Happy Birthday Andrew!
thanks, Liane.
I really liked the quote.
Happy Birthday, Androg!
yes, "mighty 24"...I was remembering that phrase today; funny how it made such an impression. So happy that Ethan has some Andrew in him.
Great quote and great video! Happy Birthday, Andrew. "You're my best friend, Plank!"
I love the gingerbread squishing movie. Andrew makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Claire's laughter in the background was funny too...
Yay for my favorite bro, and happy golden birthday.
I was having a funny conversation in my mind the other day with him. I love the quote you have here-very eloquent.
I was just thinking about this video!
Glad to see it...
And happy birthday, Andrew!
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