
Of teething and testosterone

Poor Drew was mistaken for a girl again. Not that I really mind but I thought it was a little funny the way it happened. Yesterday afternoon I dragged the kids to Meijer with me to pick up an absolutely necessary new gadget. Basically, since Drew has decided to teethe for a living with no sign of teeth, I'm looking for some relief. I've tried ice in a washcloth, teethers galore, orajel and tylenol, but there's only so much you can medicate your baby.

Long ago, in my OT days, I used these things with kids who have feeding problems and was reminded of them recently when I read that someone used them for their fussy baby. So.....off to Meijer. I looked and looked in the baby aisle until I found the refill bags but not the item itself. So, after some more searching, I managed to locate a little gaggle of employees having a chat and prepared to interrogate them.

I asked if any of them was familiar with the baby section and one employee raised its hand high. I say "it" because not since my internship in the psychiatric ward at Concord Hospital have I seen an individual of such indeterminate gender. This person began to ooooh and ahhhh over Drew. "OOOOOOHHH, Isn't she CUuuuuuuuuuuuuuute???? WOOOOOW, what beautiful blue eyes she has!!" I didn't bother to correct this person (who I finally decided was a male) but after I got the information that they were all sold out of feeders, I got ready to leave.

The helpful employee was not done. "SMILLLLLEEEEE!! Why won't she smile at me? Or is it a he?"
"Yes, actually it is a he." (Again, dressed all in blue)
"That's alright", I said, ever so kindly, "Sometimes it's hard to tell."


Aaron said...

Haha! That's the sort of reply I wouldn't think of until after the opportunity had passed.

ljm said...

I really didn't think of it's double meaning until the words were coming out of my mouth.

Claire said...

Very funny...

Hope you can find that teething thing soon...

ljm said...

Actually, Claire, I stopped at Target after that and found one...and he loves it!

Ronda said...

Hope Drew has a breakthrough in the teeth department.