We used to think that Ethan was a stubborn, difficult toddler. Along came Drew and showed us what fussy really meant. I have to say, in spite of its terrible reputation, the age of two is when it starts getting good around here. Already, things have been improving in toddler land. Within the past month, Drew's language has taken off and he is suddenly affectionate (!) and cuddly!! Where did that come from? He gives out kisses freely, even occasionally to his nemesis, baby Adam. His sense of humor is blossoming and he gives us lots to smile about.
Happy Birthday Drewser!
Happy Birthday Drew! He looks so old.
Drew is TWO?! How on earth did he turn two in only a few months? Well, okay, it's been at least a year, but certainly not two. As the mom of a once-not-so-affectionate baby and toddler (Addie), I know the delight it is when the child suddenly shows you that he (she) really does like you!
-- SJ
Happy Birthday, Drew! I still can't get over that feeling of meeting a celebrity in person when I first met you... May the future hold many more such meetings!
Happy Birthday, Drew! Um...sorry I didn't send anything for his birthday... What a bad aunt I am. Thankfully, he's still young enough that he probably won't hold it against me. I have REALLY got to learn how to do December birthdays better!
Kisses and talking and funniness helps to make so much of Mommy- effort worth it, doesn't it?!
Hey did Drew actually request carrot cake? Also, what is the blue thing on the cake? Drew looks alot like his mom, what a cutie.
No, Tara he did not...I took advantage of his youth to make one of my own favorites. The blue thing is just some random McDonalds toy I popped on at the last minute...I'm not sure why.
I thought the 'blue' thing was the back of your phone in the kitchen..but now realize it's not in the kitchen anyway! What was I thinking?
I didn't know it was his Birthday, Happy Birthday, Drew, wish you would have told us when you came over, we would have sang happy birthday with a cookie or something. Hope it was a good one. Love, Paige, Breckin, Kate, and Fam.
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