Of course I had to debate the merit of collecting more stuff right before a move but, a Train Table!! A perfectly good, except for a couple broken support pieces (easily fixed), totally free for the taking, TRAIN TABLE!! Keith finally agreed to check it out and snatch it for me but only under the cover of complete darkness.
And, yes, this is only the top part of it. There just isn't space here to set the whole thing up. Soon enough we'll have room for all our glorious junk.
Whaaaaat? That's awesome! And all that stuff came with it? The trains and tracks and people etc.?
I have this very same afflicition. I collect lots of other people's old junk. It was good to get out of our old neighborhood because people don't put out junk over here. So I totally understand. Totally. But you are so right. A TRAIN TABLE!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
We already had all the accessories, just needed the table.
wow, that is awesome! I have been wanting one of those for a while but we definately don't have room for one here. That's great!
Good snatch, Keith....it will be worth the space:)
Hey, maybe you should try dumpsters!! Never know what you'll find! Ask Neil. Sometimes in bygone days he'd drop me off at the store and head for the dumpster out back! One year after Christmas he found a returned Tonka truck "like new!"
I'd have nabbed it in broad daylight! Score!
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