Another snow day today. A good day for baking bread, something I mean to do a lot more than I ever seem to manage. I figured though, if I can knit a square creature who is of no apparent use to anyone, I can make some bread. Surely.
I pulled out this old recipe of one of my favorites. I think it is one of Grandma M's. The making of this bread was probably the only time we came close to swearing right OUT LOUD in my childhood household. An occasion made even better by the taste of this warm, fresh molasses treat.
Recipe for anyone interested:
Anadama! Bread
Bring to boil: One and a half cups water, one teaspoon salt, one-third cup yellow cornmeal. (Stir constantly. Remove immediately from heat and pour into large bowl.)
Stir in and cool to lukewarm: One third cup molasses, one and a half cup shortening (shudder...I never have shortening around so I just use butter which works ok I guess).
Dissolve one tablespoon yeast in a quarter cup of lukewarm water. Blend into molasses mixture when it is cool enough not to kill yeast. (I'm not sure if I paraphrased the original recipe or what but it makes sense to me.)
Mix in Four/Four and a half cups flour (I used one cup wheat), knead and let rise til double. Punch down and turn into greased 9x5 loaf pan. Let rise til double (well, not quite double). Before baking, brush with melted butter, sprinkle with cornmeal and salt. Bake til dark brown at 375 for 30-40 minutes. I find forty minutes a little safer. Makes one loaf.
And, today is a milestone day for Adam. As Ethan proclaimed with glee, "Adam you are six month years old!!"
Six months! Can it be?
oh YUM! That looks awesome. I'm writing the recipe down to try later. I use to bake bread every week. I love the whole process.
I can't believe he's already 6 months old! And look at that face! Those cheeks!!! So cute :)
I feel like calling him either Leith or Kiane because he looks like such a half and half of each of you...
"...the only time we came close to swearing right OUT LOUD..." So, you are implying we swore plenty more times silently? :)
Heh,heh...guess I should just speak for myself on that one!
I love anadama bread!
Or, as some used to call it in my FBI days, "Ana-DARN-a" bread.
Six month old and home made bread, life is good!
xoxo Jen
I love anadama bread!! Except when I make it and it turns out like a brick.
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